Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Smart Hair Buys: Understanding Bundle Lengths for Kinky Curly Hair

The primary question that I get asked about kinky curly hair extensions is “Why are the lengths so short?". It's a spot on observation. Kinky curly bundles tagged at 18 inches in length appear to be closer to 14 inches in length. So what's going on?

The simple answer is that global manufacturers base their length measurements on 'the maximum stretch' of the hair strands. Similar to the process of stretching out the tight coils of Afrocentric hair to determine that hair's actual length, global hair manufacturers also base their measurements on the 'stretched length' of kinky curly strands not the 'coiled length'. Therefore, a 16 inch bundle which appears to be only 12 inches long will, when stretched taut, measure closer to 16 inches.

So how should this inform your purchasing decision?

Well, we've attached a great chart comparison of kinky curly and straight hair to give you an indication of what to consider. For example, a client who wants hair that brushes their shoulders/collar would typically buy 10-12 inch bundles in straight hair but that client would need 14-16 inch kinky curly bundles. If the client is looking for hair that falls below the bra strap, they would typically only need 16-18 inches in straight hair extensions but for kinky curly hair extensions they would need at least 20 inches.

We recommend choosing practical, manageable lengths to offset budget constraints. The kinky curly texture is best optimized at lengths that fall between between the neck and shoulder blade.

Nevertheless, whatever length you decide on, kinky curly —with its fun and incredibly dynamic texture—is sure to refresh and revitalize your look.

Give it a try! 

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