Monday, 24 November 2014

Mastering the Leave-Out

Your leave-out can make or break your weave.

A leave-out that is not properly maintained will stand out against your extensions and will ruin the realism of your sew-in.

Hairnistas with texlaxed or natural hair textures often encounter the most difficulties blending (or prolonging the blending) of their leave-out with their extensions.

 Their traditional go-to to master unruly leave-outs has been to use a apply heat. However, as any hair dresser will tell you, frequent application of heat will fry your hair and will make the dry, heat damaged strands more difficult to blend with your extensions.

To control your leave-out, instead, adhere to the following:

Apply a moisturizing conditioner to your leave out once every 3 days.

While it's not necessary to condition your hair in its entirety every 3 days, make sure to condition your leave once every 3 days to keep it moisturized. Hair that is properly moisturized feels softer and maintains a higher luster; thus, will be easier to blend with extensions.  Here are the conditioners we recommend for leave outs:

5 Minute Cowash
Straight from Eden Conditioning Treatment
Deep Conditioning
Argan Oil Intensive Conditioning

After flat-ironing, apply beeswax or a beeswax based product to leave out.

Applying beeswax to freshly flat-ironed strands acts as a barrier against humidity—the culprit responsible for your leave-out's rapid reversion to its kinks and coils. The key is to use a small amount. Too much and your leave-out will be a greasy mess!